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Phone: +90 (246) 233 07 90 Whatsup: 0090 541 499 09 29

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What is Garlic powder, How is it Produced ?

Dried garlic is the dried form of fresh Turkish garlic. Inside of fresh Turkish garlic contains approximately 80% of water. For this reason, about 1 kg of dried garlic is left from about 5 kg of fresh garlic after drying. During drying process, the water in the product evaporates and the product remains its essence part. Therefore, the nutritional values of dried fruits, especially carbohydrates, vitamins and proteins, have increased significantly.

Where is Garlic powder Used?

Garlic powder is available in the following areas.

It is used in ready-made soup,

It is used in dessert, pudding and chocolate,

It can be used in products such as cookies, crackers and cakes,

Garlic Powder Wholesale Price How Much?

Garlic powder is a wholesale product of our company. cheap, quality Garlic Powder can be purchased from our company.

Garlic Powder prices are updated in our monthly price list every month as long as they are in stock. You can get the current TL-kg price by mailing to We will contact you if you fill out the order form to buy or to buy the Wholesale Garlic Powder price. Online shopping for your retail

Garlic Powder Where To Buy, How Can I Buy?

We send the garlic powder to your address with a box, packet or stub with your agreed cargo.

Important Note: The photographs, nutritional values, benefits and approximate waste rates used in the presentation of the product are written by compiling the data and sources that the site was prepared for the first time. Your future product may differ due to product type, drying technique and other factors.